I guess we haven't been very good at keeping this thing updated lately....but I guess better late than never!
Well let's see:
- about 2 weeks ago I lost my nanny job because the mom of the kids lost her job, therefore she didn't need me anymore! But God has once again provided me with another job...I will be working with Communities in Schools. I will be a teacher at an afterschool program for at-risk children. I will be at Strickland Middle School which is right down the street from our apartment!
- In the afterschool program we start with doing extra-curricular activities with the kids (such as: sports, photography, scrapbooking, art, computers, etc. - I told them I would want to be involved in all those I mentioned, except computers...haha) then we spend some time helping them with homework, then we do a lesson with them.
- I am very excited about this job - I see it as more of extended ministry from our apartment than a job because there are a lot of children that live here that go to Strickland.
- This job also goes great with my school schedule - I will be working 3-6:15pm Monday through Friday and then like 9am-2pm on Saturdays.
- James is still searching for a full-time job - he's actually at an interview as I type! Please pray for him to find something soon and that will hopefully be enjoyable for him.
- He is now graduated with a Computer Engineer degree...woah, yeah he's smart ;-) but really he has worked very hard! He also just turned 24 and we had a wonderful Fiesta for him on August 15th - his family came up from Austin and friends came to celebrate as well!
- This month my friend (since 4th grade) moved into our apartment complex to do apartment ministry as well - it's so wonderful and encouraging to have people come along side us here at Kingswood and reach out to the people we can't.
- Also, another couple from Denton Bible is also moving in here next month after they get married to do apartment ministry as well!! Praise God!
Well, that is all I can think of now....oh I start school August 31st to begin my LAST semester of college!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!!