Wednesday, January 21, 2009


James & I are back from the honeymoon and are settling into our new little apartment and learning to adjust to real life together.  I'm loving this time, yet there are aspects of it that are hard to adjust to.

The beginning stages of married life are not as easy as I thought it was going to be.  It's been hard adjusting to always having him around, and to get out of the mindset that if we're together we need to be spending intentional time together.  It's been hard learning how to do 'normal' life with him...adjusting to the fact that we each have things to do, seperately, even though we might be in the same room.  It's hard learning him...learning the ways he sees respect, love, help.   It's hard to constantly treat & love someone as Christ would love them, and I fail constantly at this, but it's so important that I am constantly trying...If I'm to treat anyone as Christ were to treat them it should be James above all...we represent Christ & the Church!  The way we treat each other, the way we love each other, the way we sacrifice for each other, the way we forgive each other is such a huge testimony in itself to non-believers and a huge encouragement to believers...oh how important it is.  I pray for us and for those of you reading this that we always remember the incredible importance this is and how it could never even come close to being achieved without seeking the Lord constantly

So as life goes on, as we get more and more busy, please pray for us.  For our love for the Lord to grow daily, for our relationship with the Lord to grow stonger daily, for our marriage to grow stronger daily, for us to love & respect unconditionally, for us to lift one another up in prayer daily, for us to always sacrifice, and always forgive, just as Christ did for each of us.  

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