Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

haha...just thought that was a funny title.

Sorry I (Holly) haven't written in here in a while!  But I want to catch you all up on our neighbors here at Kingswood!  A few weeks ago the little girl (Elizabeth, 10) that lives next door and her friend (Daisy, 9) came over and asked if Iwas going running.  I guess they had seen me run a few times since we moved in.  They wanted to go running with me, so we went!  And we had a great conversation about many things...little girls can talk! :-)  After we ran, they spent most of the evening in our apartment playing on my laptop & dancing.  I was so thankful that they came over...I had felt convicted that we haven't tried hard enough to meet our neighbors yet, so they came to us!  

Then, a few days after that they came over again, with Elizabeth's little sister, Jaclyn (7 or 8) and then we went and picked up Daisy's sister, who is 11.  We got pizza, made brownies, and watched a movie.  Also on this night I shared the gospel with them over dinner...they seemed to pay attention for the most part and had many good questions to ask.  Please pray for them, that God opens their heart.  They've all had rough lives and still do...each set of sister's has had their father's walk out on them and are barely around their mother's because they work so much.  They are so wrapped up in the world, boys, and definitely what America defines as 'beautiful'.  Pray that God continues to open up doors for me to spend time with them & speak His truth into their lives.  

I also got a chance to spend some time with Elizabeth & Jaclyn's aunt, Monica who's 24.  I met her when I first moved in.  She came over and asked me to take her to a bank to open an account.  So I got to know her more.  She's married and has been for 4 years.  They don't have any kids.  She doesn't work and told me that if I ever get bored, to come over because she's always there!  I really enjoy getting to know them!

James has also got the chance to play football with some kids and also met a guy that lives in the set of building across the street.

In about a week & 1/2 we are going to have an outreach here with our LifeGroup!  There is a field right accross the parking lot, so we're gonna get a table to put out there & bring a lot of food and have sports & games to play with the kids and invite all the neighbors around us and whoever else might want to come!  Please pray that this time be fruitful, that we get to know our neighbors better & share the Gospel of Christ with them!   


  1. So why doesn't Monica work? At least she has a bank account.


  2. Well, her and her husband only have 1 car, so he works & she doesn't.
