Holly and I really enjoyed The Rising Conference that was held the first few days we were in Memphis. It really made us think about our present (how we can further promote the Good News of Christ cross-culturally) and also our future (what the next season of our life will look like). There are two particular speakers that I am trying to get the audio from. Hopefully, with permission, I can post links on the blog and share the wealth!
For the rest of the week we did some service projects. We cleaned up some brush from an all-black cemetery created shortly after the civil war. The cemetery contained the first female black doctor and two lynching victims that catapulted the Anti-Lynching Campaign. We also helped clean up a low-income community called Orange Mound of trash.
All the while we periodically got to share the gospel with many locals. Holly and I both have a passion for getting the good news out to those who don't know. The majority of people we talked to believed that we can come to God if our good works outweigh our bad works. I even had a guy tell me that all religion is just a personal preference on code of ethics! We gently corrected them by telling them that God loved us so much that he sent His Son to take the sin of the world upon His shoulders; that Jesus lived the life we could not, a life of perfection, just so that His righteousness would be imputed on our behalf and fellowship with the Father would be granted.
We would love to say more and in much more detail. Give us a call or shoot us an email if you want to know more.

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