Tuesday, November 17, 2009
consistency fail
Why does our government care if a 9 week old baby dies? Doesn't the government believe a 9 week old baby to just be some blood and tissue? In that case, can I charge a man for murder if he "kills" my right hand?
So which is it America? It seems that we only like justice when it is convenient to us.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Before the Throne of God
The more and more I listen to this song the more I love it. My wife got me into this song and so I dedicate it to her. This is an old Hymn that was created in the late 1800s. I'd like to just walk you through my interpretation of it:
Before the throne of God above Matthew 12:36 Everyone will one day stand before the throne of God. God will inspect their life to see if they are found guilty of violating God's Holiness. The writer is coming before the throne...
I have a strong and perfect plea. Hebrews 4:16 The author comes with boldness to the Throne for a reason....
A great high Priest whose Name is Love Hebrews 4:14 Although the writer knows he is guilty, the High Priest, who is Jesus Christ, who came in love and truth, is his defense
Who ever lives and pleads for me. Hebrews 7:25 Christ is the everlasting priesthood that pleads forever on the writer's behalf
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart. Jesus work (hands) on the cross was for us because He loves (heart) us
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart. 1 Peter 1:3-5 Nothing can take us away from the God that saved us because He, with His strength, keeps us
When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin. Psalm 103:12 The writer is looking to Christ on the cross when he is attacked by Satan. Although the writer still sins he knows his sin has been paid for already.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free. The writers guilt now becomes Joy
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me. Isaiah 53:10 God was satisfied to see Jesus crushed because it appeased the wrath that we deserved
Behold Him there the risen Lamb, All glory is pointed to the one that did all the work. None of it to us.
My perfect spotless righteousness, Christ's perfect righteousness is imputed to the writer
The great unchangeable I AM, Hebrews 13:8 Jesus and His love never changes
The King of glory and of grace, Revelation 19:16 He now rules as King
One in Himself I cannot die. Revelation 20:6 The writer will not taste the second death
My soul is purchased by His blood, 1 Corinthians 6:20 Jesus paid the price for the writers soul
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ my Savior and my God! the writer will spend eternity with his Savior and God, Jesus
Back from Utah!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Turn From the Approval of Sin

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
- about 2 weeks ago I lost my nanny job because the mom of the kids lost her job, therefore she didn't need me anymore! But God has once again provided me with another job...I will be working with Communities in Schools. I will be a teacher at an afterschool program for at-risk children. I will be at Strickland Middle School which is right down the street from our apartment!
- In the afterschool program we start with doing extra-curricular activities with the kids (such as: sports, photography, scrapbooking, art, computers, etc. - I told them I would want to be involved in all those I mentioned, except computers...haha) then we spend some time helping them with homework, then we do a lesson with them.
- I am very excited about this job - I see it as more of extended ministry from our apartment than a job because there are a lot of children that live here that go to Strickland.
- This job also goes great with my school schedule - I will be working 3-6:15pm Monday through Friday and then like 9am-2pm on Saturdays.
- James is still searching for a full-time job - he's actually at an interview as I type! Please pray for him to find something soon and that will hopefully be enjoyable for him.
- He is now graduated with a Computer Engineer degree...woah, yeah he's smart ;-) but really he has worked very hard! He also just turned 24 and we had a wonderful Fiesta for him on August 15th - his family came up from Austin and friends came to celebrate as well!
- This month my friend (since 4th grade) moved into our apartment complex to do apartment ministry as well - it's so wonderful and encouraging to have people come along side us here at Kingswood and reach out to the people we can't.
- Also, another couple from Denton Bible is also moving in here next month after they get married to do apartment ministry as well!! Praise God!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
No BYOB at the BYBC
- Thanks: I (James) am taking my FINAL class and I am done(August 15)! The bad part - its a presentation class where my teacher rings his coffee mug everytime you say "uh..." Sad panda is sad.
- Thanks: Holly will be finishing up her last semester at TWU this fall.
- Confession: Holly is now in Iowa for the week. Yes, this means the house is a mess. j/k...kinda
- Supplication: I am looking for a big-boy job since I am graduating soon. I have some prospects but they may fall thru.
- Supplication: Pray for our neighbors and that the Lord might use us to help them. Holly has started a bible study for some of the ladies that live around us. Pray that God would bless their time.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sorry we haven't updated in a while! To give you a little recap of what's been going on:
School is out for the summer...but James starts summer school tomorrow :-( boo.
I went to Alabama and hung out with the Paralympic Wheelchair Rugby Team and it was awesome...to learn a little about them rent the movie: Murderball
James is still in the process of looking for a new job, while doing a contract job.
I begin my nanny job tomorrow!...it's awesome when your "boss" tells you to bring a swimsuit into work! :-D I will be doing this Monday-Thursday (30 hrs a week) and hopefully on Fridays be working at the Retirement Home.
I also start an intense Bible Study this week called the Matrix. It is every Tuesday & Thursday morning from 6-7:30am and I will have a small group that meets every Wednesday night. I'm very excited about this!
We are hoping to plan another outreach at our apartment for next week...the pool is open at the apartments so it'll be a pool side cookout!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
a typical morning
But every now and then she doesn't wake up with me and I have to make breakfast myself. This is probably the best video I could find to depict that scenario.
some great jaerbs!!
She has already accepted a job in an assisted living home and as a nanny for 4 children. She was also offered a job at Denton Bible Church in the children's ministry to assist Cindy Metcalf in the curriculum and other admin stuff. The fourth job is working as a personal/group fitness instructor for a small business. At the moment she is excited about all 4 and is having trouble deciding which ones she wants. This is a good problem. :)
I am still working at Scruggs as a Network Consultant but am looking for a change in careers. I originaly set sail for college in the sea of Computer Engineering because, well, I wanted to be rich. Needless to say, I wasn't a Christian then. In short, Christ flipped my world upside down (or rather, right side up!). My heart changed, ambitions changed, worldviews changed, etc. My desires now are to spread the Gospel in the least reached nations and train Pastors. For the past 4 years I have been struggling with the decision to quit school or stick it out. To be honest, I don't really like computers all that much. I like people. I like to get to know them, to see where they are at, to see how I can meet any need they may have. This gives me Joy that I can serve God in that way. As Trip Lee says, "Service makes me happy." Being around computers all day just isn't cutting it. I need people. I need a change.
I have been applying to several non-profit orgs in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Its hard to get an interview. I have a pretty astute resume for my age; just in the wrong areas. I did however land an interview with 2 companies. Yesterday I took a Impact test for The Nelson Center (a foster home for emotionally disturbed youth) as a Direct Care Employee. The Direct Care staff get the most time with the children and act as a parent in their lives. They make sure the children get up on time, brush their teeth, do their homework, etc. I would love this job so much though I feel it will be emotionally taxing. I should receive a call next week for an additional interview.
Tomorrow I have an interview working a temp job with Communities in Schools. It is an non-profit org with a mission to lower the school drop-out rate by bringing older men and women into schools to meet the needs of students. This includes tutoring, being a friend, etc. This job would only be a 5 week summer job but I hope that it would be a gateway to a long-term position with CiS.
So we have much to pray about and we desire your prayers on our behalf. By switching careers we are taking a pretty big pay cut and we just need to trust that He will provide (Matthew 6:25-34).
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pimpin' Pimpin' Pimpin' Murder Murder Sell Drugs
Monday, April 13, 2009
Don't Waste Your Life
I know a lot of people that scared they gone die
couple of em thinking they'll be livin in the sky
while Im here livin, man I gotta ask why, what am here fo?
I gotta figure out
waste my life? no I gotta make it count
if Christ is real then what am I gone do about
everything in Luke 12:15 down to 21
you really gotta go and check it out
Paul said if Christ aint resurrected, we wasted our lives
well that implies that our life's built around Jesus being alive
everyday I'm living tryna show the world why
Christ is more than everything you'll ever try
better than pretty women and sinning and living to get a minute of any women and men that you admire
it aint no lie
We created for Him
outta the dust he made us for Him
Elects us and he saves us for Him
Jesus comes and he raises for Him
Magnify the Father, why bother with something lesser?
he made us so we could bless Him and to the world we confess him
resurrects him
so I know I got life
matter fact better than I know I got Christ
if you don't see His ways in my days and nights
you can hit my brakes you can stop my lights
man I lost my rights
lost my life
forget the money, cars, and toss that ice
the cost is Christ
and they could never offer me anything on the planet that'll cost that price.
Armed and dangerous
So the devil just can't hang with us
Christian youth them a stand with us
Livin' n driven
given a vision
fulfilling the commission he handed us
London to Los Angeles
Da rap evangelist
My Daddy wouldn't abandon us
"I gotta back pack fulla tracts plus I keep a Johnny Mac"
So are you ready to jam with us?
So lets go, gimme the word an lets go
Persecution lets go
Tribulation lets go
Across the nation lets go
Procrastination just go
Hung on the cross in the cold
Died for the young and the old
Can't say you never know
Heaven knows
How many souls are going to hell or to heaven so we gotta go in and get em
Yeah do it for Christ
if you trying to figure what to do with your life,
if you make a lot of money, I hope you doing it right because the money is Gods
you better steward it right
stay focused if you aint got no ride
your life aint wrapped up in what you drive
the clothes you wear, the job you work
the color your skin, naw you Christian first
people start living life for a job
make a lil money start living for a car
get em a house, a wife, kids, and a dog
when they retire they living high on the hog
but guess what - they didn't ever really live at all
"to live is Christ" yeah and that's Paul I recall
to die is gain so for Christ we give it all
he's the treasure you'll never find in the mall
See your money, your singleness, marriage, talent, yo time
they were loaned to you to show the world that Christ is Divine
that's why it's Christ in my rhymes
That's why it's Christ all the time
see my whole world is built around him
He's the life in our lives
I refused to waste my life
He's too true ta chase that ice
here's my gifts and time cause I'm constantly trying to be used to praise the Christ
If he's truly raised to life
then this news should change your life
and by his grace you can put your faith in place that rules your days and nights.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Apartment Outreach #2!

I (Holly) got to know the single mother who lives directly under us. She has 2 wonderful boys, goes to both UNT & TWU, and is from Memphis. **Funny story...she was actually in Memphis, at the same exact hotel as we were on our Spring Break mission trip!!** Pray that God presents many opportunities to hang out with her and get to know her more! My dad also got the chance to meet and talk with a 15 year old boy named Quinton (he called hims

Anyways, James and I got a chance to meet him as well and he seems like a great kid, but in the wrong croud. My dad said he had lots of information and lots of questions about God, etc. Please pray that we will get many more chances to hang out with him, speak God's Word to him and eventually bring him to church with us!
I also met an 18 year old girl named Shelby who lives the next building over from us and lives with her fiance. She seems very interesting and has had a hard life - again pray that I make time to build a friendship with her!
We'll be having Lifegroup next Monday and I'm sure we'll hear about many more conversations and I'm sure we'll post again! We're wanting to start doing this at least once a month - Please continue to pray that God does amazing things in this complex!

Easter Sunday - an Exortation to Preaching Pastors
My greatest fear is that the Pastor will want to be humorous and charming; he (or she o.O ) will want to make you laugh, cry, feel warm and fuzzy, etc. which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, please (please!!) do not suffocate Jesus' resurrection with your silver tongue.
Many Pastors know that the gospel is offensive to some and will turn people away. Every pastor wants a big church. So that's easy, don't say offensive things and you will have a big church (see Joel Osteen). Pastor, do you care more about numbers or the Full Gospel? This should be a no-brainer.
This Sunday speak clearly about Christ's death and physical resurrection. It is the cornerstone of our faith. Without it we are fools to be pitied. (1 Corinthians 15:19) Do not make yourself out to be a fool. Pray for the kind of boldness that got Stephen stoned and Paul crucified upside-down. For His Glory.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Change in plans...
I am doing this because James and I want to go to the next season of our lives as quickly as possible. (he'll be graduating this August!) And, my only true passion in life is the Lord...His Word...and the Great Commission. (see Matthew 28:16-20)
Before I was a Christian I never had one single passion, or one thing that I was really good at or even really enjoyed doing like most people. If I were able & allowed I would've moved to Colorado to be a ski bum after H.S. graduation. But instead I went to college (b/c that's what you're suppose to do, right?) and chose a major that I thought I might enjoy doing...oh and that would pay a lot of money (cause that's what we're suppose to live for, right?...wrong) I was never passionate about or good at school...I play the violin and am decent, but not excellent. This use to discourage me...until I knew Christ. I can see how God has been working in me through out my whole life, I understand now why I never had a huge passion for anything...it's because now that I'm a Chrisitan I see that my passion & calling on my life is to do full time ministry.
To tell you the truth at the beginning of this year I began considering quitting school after this semester and then James and I could start the Mission's Training Institute (a 2 year program that prepares you to be an overseas missionary) or Downline Ministries (a 1 year discipleship program) sooner. Thankfully, I spoke with Jason Seville (my mentor's husband) and he encouraged me to try to find out what I could do in order to still graduate, but quicker. He said that having a degree opens up a lot more ministry doors than if I didn't have degree. He also said that graduating would honor my parents for the sacrifices (money & time) they made to put me through college...which I thought was wonderful advice. Therefore, I looked into the General Studies major and it's perfect! All my Kinesiology courses that I've been taking for the past 4 years count and all I have left is 5 Sociology courses!
All that to say...I will be graduating this December and of course we'll keep you posted on what life holds next for the Faske's. :-)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Prayer.. you're doing it wrong.
To list a few:
Lord's prayer = $3.95
Prayer for Peace = $3.95
Prayer to get your $3.95 back = priceless (ok, i added this one in there)
This is just stupid (!!). I can't even imagine how God feels about this.
Isaiah 29:13 - These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We need to pay $3,000 for what now?
Subluxation is defined as a partial dislocation. It is a very common thing but, as we were informed, very serious. Chiropractors believe that all healing comes by way of the spine. When you get a cut on your leg, the brain sends signals through the central nervous system to tell the body to heal itself. When subluxation pinches or irritates the spinal cord those signals are blocked and, in turn, your body is not in a position to heal at its optimal capacity.
We sat in a class of about 7 where she told stories of her childhood; how she had many medical problems such as double-scoliosis, asthma, allergies, headaches, etc. She almost broke into tears because she missed out on a lot of things growing up. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't feel bad for her. When she hit the age of 21 she went to see a chiropractor and, long story short, it fixed her completely. She said that doctors were amazed at her rapid recovery over just a few months of seeing a chiropractor.
She then told us about her sister who was very "healthy" until one day she had abdominal pain. She went to a doctor, got some X-Rays, and discovered a tumor the size of a grapefruit next to her reproductive organs and one kidney 3 times larger than the other. After many failed tries with doctors she went to see the speaker-chiropractor. Long story short, after helping her sister for a month or so the tumor went down to the size of a plum and her kidney returned to normal. I forgot to mention she almost broke into tears while telling the story. I won't lie - I had to swallow hard to keep from dethroning my manly disposition.
When story time was over she told us about the 4 phases of subluxation with phase 4 making the body a vegetable. She made the following statements:
- medical malpractice is the #1 killer in America today (heart problems are #2, cancer is #3)
- medical malpractice kills ~3,000 people per day (she likened it to the 9/11 tragedy happening on a daily basis)
- studies show a medical doctors biggest fear is being a patient (she showed us a Time magazine article on it)
- Your health should be the most important thing in your life
- only 6% of your nerves transmit pain, and you should never base your health on the way you feel, which most all of us do
- America is declining in health and every hospital in America has plans to expand
- medical doctors only try to get rid of the symptoms and not correct the problem (this keeps you coming back and they stay in business)
- insurance companies often do not cover chiropractics because of the above bullet point (I didn't understand this either)
- Doing her program will make you live longer and healthier
- the answer to all health problems goes back to the spine
- the body is capable of healing itself of almost every kind of disease, even cancer, given the optimal 45 degree curves in the spine
After the presentation, Holly and I were taken to a back room where we finally got to see Holly's X-Rays. We were told Holly is in Phase 2 of subluxation and its only going to get worse. Her neck X-Ray from the side showed Holly's neck was completely straight - all three curves of the spine should be 45 degrees and her neck is at -10 degrees. She also showed how Holly's hips were uneven and how she had slight scoliosis in the upper region of her spine. We were recommended a 1 year program which included 84 office visits, some home equipment (one of them was called something like "head bricks"), and X-ray fees. The total came out to be ~$3,200. We asked about doing a 4 month program instead and she gave us the price of $1,100. That price is much more do-able.
Now, I'd be willing to fork out $5000 for Holly's well being, but my BS meter shot up pretty high during the appointment, which is leaving me to hesitate forking over the cash. When we were ready to leave I figured they would call us back after Holly and I could talk it over but she wanted the money right then! She even got noticeably upset when I told her that I wanted to get a second opinion and do some research on my own. She must have known, if we left without committing, we were never coming back.
Well I did my research but I want to hear what you think. Was the chiropractor just pitching us the old "emotional I'm-gonna-regret-this-later used-car-salesman I-think-your-and-idiot-and-I-want-your-money" gig? Or will this be very beneficial to Holly in the short and long term areas of health in her life (after all, I do want her to live long so I can die before she does :P)?
Note: to be a chiropractor you need at least 90 semester hours at an accredited college and a 2.5 GPA. Chiropractors are not doctors.

Monday, March 23, 2009
Apartment Outreach (better late then never, right?)

This post is a little late. :D Two weeks ago Holly and I organized a pizza party for our apartment complex in order to meet and build relationships with our community. We had a few friends from church come as well. By God's grace it was a huge success! We ordered 10 pizzas and it was gone within 30 minutes. We must have had about 50 people (mostly children) come. We played games afterwards and had a blast. We got to share why we do what we do. Holly got to share the full gospel with a neighbor and gave her some reading material to share with her family (I have the best wife EVER).
Pray for our neighbors. They need the gospel desperately, just like Holly and I need God's grace desperately. One of our neighbors went to church with me yesterday and is looking to get more involved in DBC. Him and I are both going to the Men's Conference this weekend. We have another neighbor who is in a very abusive relationship with her boyfriend. We hear screaming on a regular basis. Pray that God will use us to help them.
Once again, thank you for your prayers. We need God perpetually.
Mission: Accomplished
Holly and I really enjoyed The Rising Conference that was held the first few days we were in Memphis. It really made us think about our present (how we can further promote the Good News of Christ cross-culturally) and also our future (what the next season of our life will look like). There are two particular speakers that I am trying to get the audio from. Hopefully, with permission, I can post links on the blog and share the wealth!
For the rest of the week we did some service projects. We cleaned up some brush from an all-black cemetery created shortly after the civil war. The cemetery contained the first female black doctor and two lynching victims that catapulted the Anti-Lynching Campaign. We also helped clean up a low-income community called Orange Mound of trash.
All the while we periodically got to share the gospel with many locals. Holly and I both have a passion for getting the good news out to those who don't know. The majority of people we talked to believed that we can come to God if our good works outweigh our bad works. I even had a guy tell me that all religion is just a personal preference on code of ethics! We gently corrected them by telling them that God loved us so much that he sent His Son to take the sin of the world upon His shoulders; that Jesus lived the life we could not, a life of perfection, just so that His righteousness would be imputed on our behalf and fellowship with the Father would be granted.
We would love to say more and in much more detail. Give us a call or shoot us an email if you want to know more.

Friday, March 6, 2009
Probably getting a cat...
Before we were married:
"Holly, let's get a cat after we're married..."
**Before we were married we decided to not get a cat for the first few months...too much on our plates.**
1 Month after we're married:
Holly: "where are we going?"
James: "I just need to check something"
*We arrive at PetSmart*
Holly: "James, there are no cats, they're all adopted right now." (all cages empty)
James: *incredibly sad face*
*Getting into car*
James: "Okay, I checked what I needed to."
2 weeks ago:
*At the store*
Holly: "what else do we need to get?"
James: "Oh, we definitely need this" *Grabs a cat collar* "Oh and this for our kitty." *Grabs a cat toy*
*I arrive home from laundry mat*
James: "Hey! I got you something!! Come here quick!"
*Has my 'gift' behind his back*
*Gives it to me...what is it? A plastic food & water bowl for cat!*
My husband is a nut, loves cats, and we'll probably buy one when we get home from our spring break mission trip...
;-) i love him
Monday, March 2, 2009
How could you? (revised by James)
Before you were born, I pondered at how beautiful I would make you. I contemplated between blonde or brown hair, tall or short, light or dark; even down to every fabrication of your muscles. When you first were born I immediately fell in love. You were so beautiful, so precious. You were made exactly how I had planned. I knew at that moment I would give anything for you. Things were going to be perfect between us. Until that first time you sinned against me. How could you?
To see something so beautiful, so wonderful betray my trust just broke my heart. Should I just put an end to it and let justice be served? Should I just destroy the creation I invested so much time and detail? I can’t end it all. I love you too much.
As the years drag on, my heart grieves as you grow farther and farther from me. You are indulging deeper and deeper into your sin and my heart gets crushed more and more. If you only knew that you could find rest and satisfaction in me. You used to talk to me but now it’s as if I was a stranger. Should I move on and end this pain that you daily drag me through? That would be the easy way out but you are worth more than that to me.
It has come to the point where I can’t take it anymore. Justice must be served. Day in and day out you disobey my laws and I hold back punishment from you. I can’t hold it back anymore. Your sin must be dealt with. But when I see you I’m reminded of my love for you. I can’t end this relationship I hold so dearly to my heart. I know what I must do.
I came to you in person on that day. I wanted you to love me, just like I have loved you. I just wanted you to talk to me again. You told me that you didn’t want me. It broke my heart. You insisted that I leave; even after everything I have sacrificed just to meet you. How could you?
You don’t believe who I say I am. I can see the hatred you have for me grow. It came to the point where you sought to kill me, just as I knew you would. As you scorn me and spit on me, I want to just end it all. It’s like I never knew you. You beat me with a whip… for what? I have never done anything wrong or hurt you. How could you?
I cringe my teeth as the nail slides into my wrist. Even through my tears you keep pounding it in. The second and third nails seem much more painful than the first. The physical pain couldn’t measure up to the emotional pain of watching you do this to me. I know at any moment I could have legions of angels come to my aid and serve justice for this wickedness. But all I can think of is you. When the cross was raised I looked back on your life to when you were young. Something so precious that I created and gave my all to was killing me. My diaphragm is no match for the weight of my body. My breaths are growing shorter and shorter. You won’t even look me in the eyes as I hang here fighting for every breath. I see you have no regret. I feel my life slipping away. It is finished. How could you?
Today is Sunday and I have conquered the grave; to show that death cannot hold a Love so true. With tears rolling down your face, you realize what you have done. For the first time in years you talk to me! And beg for forgiveness for all the years of betrayal, lust, greed and hate. You know you deserve to be punished. You know you deserve Hell. You know you don’t deserve me. Without a moment of hesitation I wrap you in a hug. I explain how my death has paid for every one of your sins and you are now free. You are perfect once again. I will remember your sin no more. Your debt has been paid. You respond, “How could you?”
I wrote this after reading a story about a dog and its owner, How could you? by Jim Willis.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Spring Break '09
We both are in a unique position to have a week off in the Spring; a week that most people do not and cannot get. Instead of using that week to build up more funds, we feel it would be better to serve God and take part in His mission in Memphis, TN.
We are being sent by Denton Bible Church to take part in several activities:
- grunt work (in attempt to love a black community to break down racial barriers)
- street evangelism
- Red Revolution (a conference)
Thank you.

Monday, February 16, 2009
save yourself a hundred bucks!

Here you can view his publications, writings, sermons, etc. You can even search throughout them all!
If I'm having trouble with a certain text in the Bible, I usually go to http://bible.org/ to enter the passage into the search bar. Now I can get Edwards insight on it as well!
High five!
Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger
Ok, anyways... Here is a story of a 29 year-old exposing himself to an undercover cop. Wait, what? Who cares about that? Why did this even make the news?? I forgot to mention this is the son of the Pastor of one of the biggest churches in Dallas, T. D. Jakes...

Truthful text hits world for 32k crushing. Sorry, that was the nerd coming out in me. But seriously, I am very pleased with the way Jakes handled this. The first thing that stands out to me is his humility. He recognizes that he is just a fallen man that needs grace just like the rest of us. Second, it that he is pointing people to the God that forgives and restores. A+

If he had been a Bible-thumping, finger-pointing kind of preacher, he'd be in trouble now."
I think Lee has a lot of truth to his statement but it sounds like a threat. There is nothing wrong with being judgemental, a bible-thumper, or finger-pointer if done correctly. Note that Jesus was without sin yet he was a "Bible-thumping (John 7:15), finger-pointing (Matthew 12:34), judgemental (John 5:22, Psalm 96:13)" person. Would this kind of thing get you in trouble? Look what happened to Jesus. But are we to turn into a bunch of "Joel Olsteens" and just try to tickle everyone's ear? No. The Truth is to be proclaimed no matter how unpopular we get.
I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made--I am a disciple of His. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions, worldly-talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean in His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer and I labor with power.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, hired away, turned back, diluted, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the enemy, pander at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, give up till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And, when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me... my banner will be clear.